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Abstract art “Axel” with the painter Hélène Lachapelle

Title: "Axel" - The Quintessence of Abstraction by Hélène Lachapelle

Discover "Axel", a captivating abstract work of art that embodies the artistic mastery of Hélène Lachapelle, an eminent contemporary painter from Quebec. This 30 x 36 inch canvas is a symphony of color and emotion, encapsulating the richness of abstraction. Made in 2022, this unique piece brings a breath of modernity and innovation to the field of acrylic painting.

The palette chosen by Lachapelle is a dialogue between calm and intensity; the deep, penetrating blue unfolds on the canvas like a wave of dreams and mystery. The contrast with the luminous and almost ethereal background invites silent contemplation, arousing in the viewer introspection and endless reverie. This work transcends the visual to achieve an almost tangible sensory experience.

“Axel” is a testament to Lachapelle’s skill in handling acrylic, a technique that allows for the creation of rich and varied textures. The layers of paint intertwine to give birth to an imaginary landscape, where each look offers a new interpretation. The dynamics of the floating shapes evoke unconstrained freedom, a key characteristic of abstract art.

This original work is a favorite choice for art lovers and collectors looking to incorporate a meaningful conversation piece into their space. “Axel” is not just a painting; it is an expression of the soul, an escape into the unknown, and a journey through the depths of the imagination.

Canadian abstract art is magnificently represented by talents like Hélène Lachapelle, whose creations continue to enrich the artistic panorama. “Axel” is available for those looking to immerse themselves in a world where color, shape and texture are vehicles for limitless beauty.

Abstract art “Axel”

  • Dimensions: 30 x 36 inches

    Medium: Acrylic paint on gallery canvas

    Creation: 2022 in Quebec

    Original work

    Delivery of the work unframed.

  • Free delivery in Quebec.

    Outside of Quebec, fees will be calculated by the artist based on the weight and dimensions of the work. This information will be communicated to you before sending for your agreement.

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